Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Sir David

I just watched David Attenborough's latest animal program. This was after watching back to back hour episodes of an Orangutan in a nappy that was put back into the big wide foresty world. And I bloomin' loved it.

Animal shows are so amazingly relaxing. I could watch them for hours. I don't even think I need to be interested in them. It could be about a turtle with depression and I would still love every second of it. But why is this? With the current soaps, reality TV, dramas and comedy series broadcast on British TV I find my lack of interest startling. However, as soon as there is a frog in a sling I am instantly gripped to the colour box in the corner of the living room.

I like to think Big Brother would get all of its viewers back if the housemates actions had running commentary from Attenborough. Imagine his voice describing the moment Jade Goody did terrible things to PJ under those now soiled sheets. I won't even attempt to guess the wording, I can't possibly do the dialog justice. Animal programs are always shot with such thought, it is easy to lose yourself in the pictures, let alone the story of the poor one eared helpless Hippo. Poor poor Hippo. If only all TV shows had so much thought, talent, and budget put into them.

Anyway, I didn't really do much today apart from watch these wonderful documentaries. I wandered home earlyish today (I don't seem to spend much time at home in my new place) and so got to spend an evening in my flat to do exactly what I like, which is not much at all. I love the Bethnal Green area at the moment but i have to move out of this place in three months, I have no desire to move to any other area so I will stay in the east of London for sho' (To future self - When reading this back please don't think you ever said 'For Sho' seriously). I hope this blog is still going when I have to move because it is genuinely fun and not at all a laborious task as I thought it may become.

I have football tomorrow so I have to pack my £2.99 shin pads in my bag now. Good luck for tomorrow James.

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